The Ears Have It: 5 Ear Problems You Have To Know How To Handle

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Listen up! Your ears are a very important component of your ability to function in life. Thus, it's imperative that you are aware of potential problems that may affect them. Here are five ear conditions you simply must know about, and how to remedy them.


If the bone behind your ear ever becomes infected, your doctor may diagnose you with mastoiditis. The bone in this area of the skull has hollow portions where pathogens can enter, causing the infection. Left untreated, this condition leads to deterioration of the actual skull bone.

Mastoiditis may develop out of a common middle ear infection which spreads. Symptoms of mastoiditis include fever, swelling, drainage and redness. Treatment varies according to acute or chronic predicaments, but will generally include the following:


Some bacterial and viral infections, including ones originating in your chest, can make their way to your inner ears. Once they settle in, inflammation begins. When this specialized area of the ear becomes swollen, your entire body is out of whack, because the labyrinth involves an intricate set of bones and spaces that significantly impact balance and hearing.

An attack of labyrinthitis leaves you feeling like you're moving when you're not, and vertigo is often an accompanying symptom. Deep inner ear inflammation is something that will stop you in your tracks due to the way it makes you feel, and should send you straight to the doctor's office, as it can put you in danger. Driving, taking stairs or the simple act of walking suddenly becomes hazardous to your health, hence treatment is in order, which may include:

Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease most often involves just one of your ears, however; the severity of symptoms will make up for the fact that the other ear is left unharmed. This syndrome occurs when the level of fluids inside the ear canal fluctuate. Sometimes it strikes with predictable regularity, and other times it's a once in a blue moon event for people.

Meniere's may begin by giving you symptoms of tinnitus: Constant ringing and other odd sounds, ear pressure and intermittent loss of hearing. Vertigo may also ensue. While it usually affects adults in the 40 to 50 age group, Meniere's disease is capable of afflicting young children, too. The otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist) will recommend these measures when dealing with Meniere's:

Cerumen Impaction

Cerumen impaction is a nasty situation that can set upon just about anybody, since everyone has cerumen. Cerumen is simply the medical term for ear wax, which normally serves the purpose of lubricating the air and fighting off bacteria. When your jaw bone moves, old ear wax is gently pushed to the outside of your ear, ending the life-cycle and purpose of this yellowish, sticky substance.

Wax becomes impacted when some situation impedes the natural flow, and your problems begin. Although this may sound like a simple enough problem to solve, many people experience serious repercussions from cerumen impaction, which mandate professional intervention. With impaction, you will feel insatiable itching in the ears, hear ringing sounds, suffer with ear aches and become somewhat imbalanced. Chronic tinnitus is frequently attributed to wax build up, and often clears up quickly following a visit to the ear doctor, who will most likely treat you with:

Perforated Eardrum

A hole in the tympanic membrane is no small matter. If your eardrum is penetrated by some foreign object, it needs to be medically evaluated immediately. Acoustic trauma is also capable of penetrating the ear's inner membrane, as is pressure resulting from a prolonged or serious ear infection.

You will feel sudden pain, and you may notice drainage, ether clear and resembling pus or possibly tainted with traces of blood. Your balance will be compromised and you're likely to be dizzy. Strange buzzing and ringing sounds may fill your ear, in addition to an echoed deafness. Since an opening in your ear's membrane leaves you vulnerable to infections and the development of cysts, treatment is vital and should not be delayed:

You truly don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, but don't go trying to prove that theory by neglecting your ears. Pay close attention to your ear health, and act immediately when something seems amiss. Hearing is simply too important to turn a deaf ear to.

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