3 Herbal Home Remedies For Treating Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

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After years of working a job where you have to constantly use the same motions with your wrists, you may have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. If so, you may be looking for ways you can treat your symptoms yourself. Along with the standard home treatment options, try using one or more of the following three herbal home remedies using ingredients found in pharmacies, herbal shops, and grocery stores.

Cayenne Pepper And Petroleum Jelly Salve

Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin, an ingredient that is used in many over-the-counter topical ointments. It is used for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Instead of spending money on these ready-made ointments, you can make your own salve using loose pepper and petroleum jelly.

In a small dish, combine a tablespoon of petroleum jelly with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Mix the ingredients together until the pepper is evenly distributed.

Rub the salve onto your hands and wrist, leaving it on for ten minutes. When you are finished, run your hands under warm water to remove it.

After rinsing off the jelly, pour a quarter of a cup of milk into a small bowl. Dunk your hands in it and rub it into your skin. The milk will neutralize the pepper on your skin so that it does not burn your eyes or mouth if your fingers touch these areas.

This home treatment can be used every six hours.

Willow Bark And Chamomile Tea Hand Soak

Bark from the willow tree is the origin of aspirin, the well-known pain reliever. When combined with the anti-inflammatory provided in chamomile tea, this hand soak can soothe the pain and swelling that happens when your carpal tunnel symptoms flair up.

A word of caution is needed hear about using willow bark. If you have ever had a bad reaction to aspirin, do not use this herb. It could make you have the same reaction.

In a medium-sized pan, boil three cups of water with one cup of willow bark added. Remove the pan from heat and seep five chamomile tea bags in the water, while covered for a half an hour. Leave the bark and the bags in the water until it has completely cooled. For faster cooling, place the pan in the refrigerator for an hour.

Using a handheld strainer, remove the bark and bags and throw them away. Soak your hands and wrists in the solution for fifteen minutes, then remove them for five minutes. Repeat the soak one more time, then wrap your wrists and hands with a warm, damp towel.

Leave the towel on for ten minutes. After the time has passed, remove the towel and let your hands air dry. This remedy can be repeated once a day.

Lavender Oil And Comfrey Leaf Poultice

The lavender oil and comfrey in this poultice helps calm the inflammation caused by your carpal tunnel. The lavender oil can also relieve the pain as it soaks into your skin and numbs the nerve endings.

In a small bowl, lightly crush four comfrey leaves. Divide the leaves into two sections and place each one on a warm, wet wash cloth. Then, drizzle ten drops of the lavender oil over each leaf section.

With the herb sides down, wrap your wrists and hands with the wash cloths. Leave them on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

This poultice can be used twice a day for symptom relief.

When used along with your prescribed treatment plan, the above remedies will give you greater relief from your symptoms. However, if you find that the pain from your carpal tunnel syndrome has started to worsen, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss further treatment options.
