Breasts Implants Before Or After Pregnancy? 3 Things You Should Consider

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If you are discontent with the size or shape of your breasts, you are not alone. In 2007, nearly 350,000 women underwent breast implant surgery to modify their breasts, and the numbers continuously rise each year. The big question you might have though is whether you should do this now, or if you should wait until you are done bearing children. You can choose either option, but here are three factors that may help you choose the best time for you.

Effects of Pregnancy on Size

As you gain weight during pregnancy, the weight will be distributed throughout your entire body, and this includes extra weight in your breasts. While pregnancy will often cause a woman's breasts to increase in size by several cup sizes, it is not likely that this change will remain forever.

In other words, if you decide to put off getting breast implants with high hopes that your pregnancy will give you this outcome naturally, you may want to reconsider your thought process. While there is a chance that this will work, this is usually not the typical outcome.

Effects of Pregnancy on Shape

Pregnancy may not result in giving you breasts that are permanently larger, but pregnancy generally does result in offering breasts that are shaped differently. After you deliver your baby and return to your normal body weight, you may notice that your breasts look different than they did before the pregnancy.

Because pregnancy causes a temporary enlargement of the breasts, the skin on the breasts tends to stretch out. After losing the extra weight after giving birth, you may notice that your breasts:

Pregnancy takes a toll on a woman's body, and you can expect changes like this. Because of this, waiting until you are done having children is often the best time to undergo breast implants. By waiting, you will not have to worry about your breasts going through all of these natural changes that occur during pregnancy.

Effects on Ability to Breastfeed

The third factor to consider with this decision is how breast implants will affect your ability to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is a natural way to provide nourishment to a baby, but it is not the only way to feed a baby.

If you are not planning on breastfeeding your children, you wouldn't have to worry about this. If you are planning on breastfeeding, you should consider the effects it may have on this, and here are three things to understand:

As you think about this decision, you may determine which option is better for you. When you are ready to find out more about breast implants, you can make an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon in your area, like David K. Funt, MD or other trusted professionals.
