Three Foods That Can Boost Your Child's Oral Health

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From the time that their baby teeth first arrive, your child should be visiting a pediatric dentist for regular checkups. These appointments allow the dentist to not only check the condition of your child's teeth, but also reveal whether you can help the child's oral health in any way, such as changing the approach to brushing or discouraging thumb sucking. You can greatly improve the success of these checkups by making smart dietary choices for your child. While many parents know the importance of keeping sugary products out of their children's meals, it's also valuable to know that certain foods can augment your child's oral health. Here are three foods to include in his or her diet.

Plain Yogurt

Whether you include yogurt with your child's breakfast, pack an individual serving in his or her lunch or provide it as an after-school snack, you'll be making the next visit to the pediatric dentist go smoother. Plain yogurt is a healthy choice for your child's teeth because it contains calcium to strengthen the teeth and healthy bacteria to contribute to healthier gums. This dairy snack is ideal because while some foods benefit only the teeth of gums, it actually improves the health of both. Be sure to avoid flavored yogurt, as it contains sweeteners. If your child is fussy about the taste of plain yogurt, jazz it up with some fresh berries on top.

Celery Sticks

Celery sticks are an ideal addition to your child's lunch or to use a snack after school. The fibrous nature of celery requires plenty of chewing, which actually means that this veggie will be scrubbing your child's teeth as he or she cleans. The increased amount of chewing also contributes to more saliva production, which can rinse bacteria out of the child's mouth. Finally, the high fiber content of celery is helpful because fiber helps people feel full; when your child feels full, he or she will be less likely to crave an unhealthy snack.


Cheese is a versatile product that can work in the child's lunch or as part of an afternoon snack. It's valuable because it cuts down on the amount of acid in the child's mouth; acid is a key contributor to plaque, which can result in cavities that are noticed at the child's next pediatric dentist visit. Cheese is valuable because it's available in such a variety of styles that you shouldn't have trouble finding a type that your child enjoys eating.

For more information, contact Dino Kids DDS or a similar location.
