Reducing Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms At Home

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About 3% of all women and 2% of men will develop carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have the condition, then you likely experience pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and wrist. If your symptoms worsen over time, then you may need to seek out surgical intervention with the assistance of a hand doctor. Before surgery is considered though, there are some things you can do at home to relieve your symptoms.

Control Your Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, then the condition may be causing the carpal tunnel. Diabetics often develop neuropathy, and this is a nerve condition that occurs if you have diabetes. Neuropathy occurs when the nerves in the body become damaged, and it happens most often if you have diabetes for 25 years or more.

When the median nerve in the wrist becomes damaged, then you will feel the pain, tingling, and numbness that is associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Unfortunately, the condition can worsen if you are diabetic. If you start to notice sensations in your wrist and hand, then you should know that diabetic neuropathy can occur for a variety of reasons. Elevated blood sugar levels as well as damage to the blood vessels are two of the most common causes.

If you want to reduce your carpal tunnel symptoms, then make sure to control your blood sugar levels as much as possible. Check blood sugar levels both before and after you eat and reduce your consumption of carbohydrates. Also, eat more fiber and drink plenty of water every day. Try to reduce your stress and exercise several times a week.

Rest Your Wrists

Many people will develop carpal tunnel syndrome after completing repetitive tasks over the course of several years. These types of tasks cause the tissues within the wrist to swell, and the swollen tissues place more and more stress on the median nerve. The stress on the nerve creates the negative symptoms you experience. If you continually complete tasks that place stress on the nerve, then your carpal tunnel symptoms will worsen. 

If you want to reduce your symptoms, then make sure to rest when completing repetitive tasks. These tasks include general computer work, instrument playing, power tool use, painting, dough kneading, and other activities. Resting means that you stop the task completely for at east 10 minutes after completing the task for about 15 minutes.

When you rest, make sure to stretch out your fingers and gently move your wrist in a circular motion. This can help to reduce stress on the tendons and ligaments that may lead to swelling.

Try A Splint

If you keep your wrists bent for too long, then you may be placing a great deal of stress on the median nerve. If you find yourself resting or sleeping with a bent wrist, then this can cause your carpal tunnel to worsen over time.

If you frequently keep your wrists bent, then it can be difficult to remember to straighten them. If this is the case, then purchase a wrist brace that will keep your wrist in the correct position. A splint can offer the same sort of assistance as well.

The best braces are ones that offer good support along the wrist. Look for a product that has a hard plastic or metal piece that runs along the underside of the device. Also, velcro closures work well to keep the brace as tight on the wrist as possible. When you have the splint, make sure to wear it at night when symptoms are more common. Also, wearing the device while completing repetitive tasks or when resting or watching television is a good idea as well.

For more information, visit a professional at a service such as Town Center Orthopaedic Associates, P.C.
