5 Simple Solutions To Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Osteoporosis

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From aches and pains to arthritic inflammation in the joints and even broken bones, osteoporosis can affect you physically and emotionally. Not only does the condition cause pain and discomfort, but it can also reduce your ability to complete simple, ordinary tasks.  This silent disease affects men and women of all ages, but it occurs most commonly in white and Asian women who are past menopause due to a decreased bone mass that occurs as a person ages. Unfortunately, most people do not realize they can prevent the further bone loss. With this guide and the help of your doctor, you can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is one of the most important and easiest ways you can prevent further bone loss and osteoporosis. Of course, you must consult your physician before beginning any exercise program, especially if you have been diagnosed with bone loss. Thankfully, a variety of low-impact exercises and machines can improve stamina and endurance while strengthening your joints and bones. Here are a few to consider:

Reduce Sodium

An excess amount of salt in your diet can cause calcium to excrete out of your body while urinating and sweating. Since calcium is an imperative part of your bone's overall strength, reducing your intake of sodium can prevent bone loss and osteoporosis.

Reduce your intake of high-sodium foods, such as bacon, ham, cold cuts, sausage, and sardines. Also, eliminate canned and frozen meals from your diet, since these also contain high levels of salt. Avoid adding salt to your foods, as well. Lastly, consider preparing your food at home more than eating out in restaurants. Most restaurants use a great deal of salt to season their dishes.

Quit Smoking

Most people are familiar with the dangers of smoking. Heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema, and high blood pressure are just a few common diseases caused by smoking. Unfortunately, smoking cigarettes can also increase your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Smoking decreased the flow of blood to your bones, which increases the risk of bone loss. The nicotine in cigarettes may be curbing your cravings, but this chemical is also preventing your body from absorbing calcium and producing estrogen. Less estrogen leads to bone loss.

To protect your bones and decrease your risk of osteoporosis, quit smoking now. Substitute this dangerous habit with healthier options, such as exercise or meditation.

Check your Medications

While surprising for many people to learn, certain prescription medications can increase your risk of bone loss and osteoporosis. Make sure to discuss your medications with each of your doctors.

Your gastrointestinal specialist may prescribe a medication to treat acid reflux, but these can affect your stomach's ability to absorb calcium. If your gastrointestinal doctor does not realize you have bone density issues, the medication can lead to further bone loss.

Anti-inflammatory medications that contain corticosteroids may cause bone thinning. While it can help manage pain, the corticosteroids may also lead to severe loss of bone density. Lastly, many anti-depressant medications have been known to increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Be sure to talk to your doctor about your prescriptions medications, especially if you have already been diagnosed with early bone loss or osteoporosis.

Take Calcium Supplements

Having milk in your coffee or cereal and eating cheese each day will not give your body the required amount of calcium to keep your bones strong and healthy. Thankfully, adding a calcium supplement to your daily diet will reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Begin taking a 200 to 300 mg calcium supplement each day for the first week. Be sure to eat the supplement with food, and drink 6 to 8 ounces of water, as well. Add more calcium each week.

Living with osteoporosis is possible, but it can be painful and dangerous. With these tips and your doctor's help, you can reduce your risk of bone loss. Talk to your doctor to learn more.
