4 Reasons To Contact Your Obstetrician Immediately While Pregnant

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Pregnancy is an exciting time for most women, but it can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. From weight gain and mood swings to muscle tension and fatigue, it is easy to see how so many pregnant women feel they are suffering. If you are pregnant, you most likely will visit your obstetrician every few weeks for regular exams, ensuring you are healthy and your unborn baby is developing properly. Of course, you may need to consult your obstetrician when experiencing abnormal pain and changes in your pregnant body. Unfortunately, most women do not understand what is considered abnormal during pregnancy. If you experience one or more of these following signs during your pregnancy, consult your obstetrician immediately.


Pregnancy places pressure on your reproductive system, stretching the uterus and softening the cervix. Due to these changes, you may experience light spotting while pregnant. While surprising for most women to learn, spotting occurs in an estimated one-third of all pregnancies. You may also have some spotting after sexual intercourse. A few spots of blood on your underwear or panty liner are common, but you should still talk to your doctor about the spotting at your next appointment.

If you are experiencing heavier bleeding, contact your obstetrician and head to the emergency room immediately. Bleeding is a common sign of a miscarriage or preterm labor, but it may also stem from a treatable infection or placental issue. A thorough exam will be necessary to determine the cause of bleeding.


The fatigue, mood swings, and weight gain of pregnancy will most likely cause you to have headaches. If you are experiencing frequent headaches or headaches that seem to linger for days, contact your doctor immediately.

Chronic headaches may stem from dehydration, meaning your body is not receiving a sufficient amount of water. Also, if you have elevated or low pressure, you may begin having headaches. Pre-eclampsia, or high blood pressure while pregnant, is a serious condition that affects your health and the well-being of your unborn baby. A change in diet or bed rest will be necessary to lower your blood pressure.

Painful Urination

A larger uterus and your unborn baby will place pressure on your bladder, increasing your need to urinate. This frequent urination is common, but if it becomes painful, you should consult your obstetrician immediately.

Burning and pain is the most common sign of a urinary tract or bladder infection. Infections are easy and safe to treat with a 3 to 7 day course of antibiotics, but you must let your doctor know if and when you are experiencing symptoms. If left untreated, these infections can lead to early labor and a low birth weight for your baby. Thankfully, you can reduce your risk of urinary, kidney, and bladder infections.

Be sure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day to flush bacteria out of your system. Urinate as soon as you feel a desire to, since holding your urine increases the risk of bacteria in your urethra. After urinating, wipe from the front to the back. Avoid using fragrant soaps near your genital area, as well.

Excessive Vomiting

Morning sickness is one of the most common complaints by pregnant women. Unlike the name suggests, this nausea and vomiting can occur during the morning, afternoon, and evening all through the pregnancy. In severe cases, morning sickness will prevent you from keeping food in your system.

If you are dealing with excessive vomiting, your unborn baby will not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. Without proper nutrition, your baby will not develop properly. In these severe cases of morning sickness, your doctor may prescribe medications to reduce nausea.

Pregnancy is a miracle, but the physical and emotional changes to your body can be very overwhelming. With this guide, you will understand when these changes require immediate care from your obstetrician at a clinic like Heart Of Florida OB/GYN Associates.
