Suspect You Have Psoriasis But Don't Want To Take Medication? 2 Mild, Topical Treatments Your Doctor May Recommend

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If your doctor does determine that you have psoriasis, then the good news is that there are many mild, topical treatments you can try that can greatly reduce your symptoms or even control them altogether before your doctor even recommends injectable medications or pills. Here are two common mild topical treatments for psoriasis that may help get your symptoms under control very quickly and easily. 

1. Psoriasis Phototherapy

Phototherapy, sometimes called light therapy, is a common treatment for psoriasis that is not only mild but also all-natural. The most common type of light therapy used to control psoriasis is called UVB light therapy. This light wavelength is present in natural sunlight, but to help you obtain only this specific wavelength of light and not the harmful UVA rays the sun also emits, your doctor will have you expose your affected skin to a special light in their office that emits only UVB light and not UVA light. 

Exposure to UVB light causes your skin to slow the growth of new skin cells that are causing your psoriasis; psoriasis plaques are caused by skin that is "overactive" and producing more skin cells than are needed. 

UVB light therapy is most effective when you can make time in your schedule for several short sessions each week for at least a few weeks. However, if your skin responds well to the therapy, your doctor may be able to prescribe an at-home UVB light for you to use during your free time at home, and many health insurance companies cover the cost of these treatment lights. 

2. A Mild, Non-Steroidal Psoriasis Cream

While steroidal creams do work well to control psoriasis, your doctor will likely first recommend a non-steroidal cream that may control your psoriasis so well that you never need a steroid-containing cream. The good news is that if one non-steroidal cream doesn't work well for you, then your doctor can try others; there are currently four non-steroidal creams FDA-approved for psoriasis control. 

Two psoriasis creams called calcipotriene and calcitriol both contain the active ingredient of simple vitamin D. Tazarotene is another cream used to control psoriasis, and its active ingredient is a form of vitamin A. Anthralin is the final non-steroidal psoriasis cream your doctor may try, and it contains a molecule that mimics a natural substance found in a tree called the South American araroba tree.

Your doctor may try creams before phototherapy or suggest a combination of the two treatments. 

If you have skin symptoms that appear to be the first signs of psoriasis, then it is very important to visit a dermatologist to make sure the lesions are not skin cancer and get your psoriasis under control. Don't worry that your doctor will immediately prescribe a strong injectable medication, pill, or steroid cream, because there are many natural and mild treatments you can try first that may get your symptoms completely under control. 

For more information, talk to a professional like Henry D. McKinney M.D.
