Be Sure To Divulge These Details During Your Eye Exam

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Even if you don't currently wear glasses, it's a good idea to visit an eye doctor regularly. Typically, those who wear glasses or contact lenses will visit their eye care professional more frequently, but everyone can benefit from having their eyes checked — not only to discern whether corrective lenses are needed, but also to check for any health-related issues. Typically, your eye doctor will ask you a series of questions, but it's always a good idea to be proactive and volunteer some details that may prove to be valuable. Here are some things that you'll want to share during this appointment.

Family History Of Eye Issues

Regardless of your age, it's valuable to let your eye doctor know about any family history of eye issues. Some eye issues have hereditary factors, which means that even if you're young and don't feel concerned about your eye health, your eye doctor may. If you're not sure about your family history, speak to your parents and any other family members in advance of your visit, as doing so will provide you with a wealth of details that will help you paint a picture of your family's overall eye health.

Career-Related Risk Factors

Many careers can pose some degree of a threat to your eye health, so it's worthwhile to tell your eye doctor what you do for a living and explain the basics of your job description. Based on this knowledge, your eye doctor can provide you with suggestions on how to minimize your risk of injury. For example, if you're a contractor, the eye doctor may talk to you about the risks of sparks or even dust getting in your eyes on the job. He or she will likely reiterate the value of wearing eye protection, which should hopefully encourage you to do so if you don't already.

Time Spent On The Computer

The amount of time that the average person spends in front of the computer can be a concern for eye health. It's useful to tell your eye doctor how much you're on the computer each day. He or she will let you know whether the amount could be contributing to eyestrain, and may offer some suggestions for alleviating the risk of damage to your eyes. You'll also likely learn some tips that you can implement, such as looking away from the screen periodically and adjusting the settings on your monitor to reduce the brightness.

Contact a company like Country Hills Eye Center for more information.
