Getting Home From Surgery: Ten Tips To Take Care Of Yourself After Breast Augmentation

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If you are having breast augmentation surgery, pay attention to your surgeon's recommendations and advice to ensure proper healing and a minimum of discomfort following your procedure.

Some tips to take care of yourself after your breast augmentation include:

Wear the compression garment. Your doctor will likely prescribe compression garments to wear following surgery. These can provide pain relief and may also be used to prevent bleeding. Some report that gentle breast massage can also alleviate discomfort after an augmentation.

Plan before you go to the hospital. Make sure to get your home ready before surgery, so you won't be tempted to over-do after your augmentation. Get your recovery spot ready- make your bed, get groceries, and buy some larger-sized bras- so that you won't feel like you have to do these things later. Your surgeon will likely recommend that you recuperate for six weeks after your procedure.

Make a point to walk. While you should plan on being still, you should do some walking to facilitate healing. Walking a short distance for a few minutes daily can help blood flow and improve movement after your augmentation. Talk to your doctor for specific guidelines related to post-surgery exercise.

Don't drink or drive. You will be given anesthesia during your augmentation, so don't drive or drink alcohol after surgery. Alcohol is a natural blood-thinner that can complicate your surgical recovery; also, driving will strain muscles in your chest that can cause discomfort as you heal. Always line up a driver to take you home following your procedure as you will have after-affects from the anesthesia that can impact your driving.

Prepare for surgery with exercise. Work out before surgery to avoid back strain or pain after your augmentation. Build-up your core muscles to support your new breasts, and to help you heal quicker post-surgery.

Reach out to your doctor as needed. You should always feel comfortable about contacting your doctor with concerns or queries. These professionals are accustomed to being asked a wide-range of questions about recovery, swelling, and aftercare; tap into their expertise and put your mind at ease by calling them sooner, rather than later, when you have concerns about your surgery.

As with any surgical procedure, don't rush to recover. Take time--typically six weeks after an augmentation--to heal and become accustomed to your new breasts. Use these tips to guide you during recovery, and to help you avoid infection and discomfort after surgery. 

If any problems do occur, reach out to your medical professional or visit an urgent care center for help.
