Four Common Disorders That Lead You To A Neurologist's Office

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A neurologist is typically someone who deals with the human nervous system and brain, as well as disorders and diseases of these organs and systems. If you have recently been referred to a neurologist, it may be because you have a common disorder that a neurologist can treat. Most of these disorders are related to pain or brain function, but the nerves are also involved since they are responsible for the detection of pain.


Seizures are a fairly common disorder of the brain and nervous system. Some people might not even know that they have this disorder! Petit mal, absence or drop seizures are all frequently dismissed as twitches, daydreaming and fainting, respectively. Until a neurologist examines a scan of your brain activity. it may be nearly impossible to diagnose these types of seizures. Usually, those around you will notice that something is not right and either take you to see a doctor or encourage you to go on your own.


Fibromyalgia was once thought to be "all in the mind," but recent studies have shown that there is indeed a physical basis to this nervous disorder. Overactive and hypersensitive nerves are overstimulated, resulting in fatigue and constant pain. The pain receptors in the brain that connect with these nerves are overwhelmed with information and frequently confused. Many fibro patients are commonly diagnosed as chronic fatigue or clinically depressed patients before they are properly diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Organic Dementia

Organic dementia is a form of age-related dementia that causes a deterioration in the brain's cells and chemistry. It is more than age-related forgetfulness. The patient with this condition loses all ability to form words and sentences, perform basic functions, and even loses the ability to control bladder and bowel functions. This does not happen overnight, but it will be obvious as it begins to develop in you.


Neurologists commonly treat patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. These patients are typically past the age of seventy, but there are some cases where Alzheimer's can strike early. In these instances, there is a rare and genetic form of the disease that quickly wastes away the brain. People as young as their forties who have the genetic markers for early Alzheimer's may develop it. Both types of the disease are treatable, and a neurologist can help prolong your life by prescribing medications that can slow the progression of the disease.

If you have more questions about these or other neurological disorders, talk to a practice like Billings Clinic.
