3 Tips To Help Your Elderly Parent Who Is Not Yet Ready For A Nursing Home

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If your elderly parent is not yet ready to enter a nursing home, be it because they are just too reluctant to leave their home or perhaps they don't yet need the intense round the clock care, then you are probably looking for ways to make their life easier. Just because they do not want to leave their house it doesn't mean that they don't need extra help and some accommodations. There are things that you can do that will make their life easier, as well as help protect them from injuries. Here are three things to implement.

Install Grab Bars In The Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most dangerous places in the entire home. One way to mitigate this problem is to install grab bars. These should be situated next to the tub and shower, as well as next to the toilet. This way your parent will have something table to hold on to. These grab bars can prevent a slip and fall while your parent is getting out of the shower or a fall when sitting down. The important thing to do is to make sure that the grab bars are secured into the wall studs. You never want to just screw them into the drywall because they might simply rip out of the wall and send your parent falling to the floor.

Set Up A Hearing Impaired Smoke Detector

Another problem that you need to deal with is limited hearing and the potential of a fire hazard. If your parent still cooks their own food and uses a stove, then you absolutely need to install a smoke detector that is designed for hearing impaired people. These smoke alarms will function with a flashing strobe light, not just a loud sound. This is very helpful if your parent is hard of hearing, or perhaps even if they are neglectful with respect to using their hearing aid. The bright lights will flash and will get their attention.

Hire A Home Health Care Worker To Assist Them

There are lots of little things that your parents will need help with. It might be something as simple as helping them do laundry and house cleaning, or it might be more involved and help them in and out of the bath. Another very important thing to think about is transportation and medical appointment arrangements. You might not be able to constantly head over to your parents and help them out by driving them to their myriad of doctors appointments. This is where the home health care service like Nurses Touch Healthcare Inc can be a real benefit. The health care worker can assist in contacting the various medical offices and setting up the appointment, arranging for transportation, and accompanying your parent to the doctors office.

