Choosing A Safe Stairlift

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A stairlift can be a very important aspect of an individual's life. You can find stairlifts that are engineered for indoor and outdoor use, and having access to all parts of the home is extremely important. Not having access to a portion of a home can make the home feel more like a prison. No matter the reason for needing a stairlift, it needs to be extremely safe. There are a few standard safety features that stairlifts must have in order to pass a safety inspection. However, there are companies that are going to go above and beyond the ordinary standards to create extremely safe stairlifts. Here are just a few safety features that you can look for in stairlift.

Start/Stop Motion

A very important aspect of your stairlift is the manner in which it starts and stops moving. There are stairlifts that are going to pass an ordinary safety inspection, but may still cause significant damage to your spine because the motion is too abrupt when starting or stopping. You want to find a stairlift that has a very smooth starting and stopping motion. This is going to ensure that you do not get whiplash when going up the stairs.

Braking Systems

You want to have complete control of the stairlift in the unlikely event of a motor failure. There is nothing good that can come from just having one type of braking system. If one of the braking systems goes out, then a quick descent to the bottom of the staircase could leave a person injured. Find a braking system that utilizes a few different types of braking. The main braking system is usually an electric braking system that utilizes sensors. If something goes wrong with this system, you will want a mechanical brake that allows you to control the speed of your descent. Usually these mechanical brakes are easily and quickly accessible.


It is likely that you will not be the only one in your house, and so it is important that you keep your stairlift in good working condition. If you have children or other loved ones visit, then you are going to want to find a stairlift that has a key to lock the stairlift either on or off. You do not want a child to misuse the stairlift and get injured. To ensure that nobody that is unauthorized uses the stairlift, you can find stairlifts that lock on or off with a key. Contact a company like All-Star Lifts to learn more.
