Why Should You Choose Nanoknife Surgery Over Other Procedures?

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If you need to have a cancerous tumor removed, one procedure your doctor may recommend is Nanoknife surgery. This is a rather new procedure, and for that reason, some patients are hesitant to choose it over older, more established options. However, Nanoknife surgery has been carefully developed and offers a wide array of benefits that really do make it the best choice for many patients. Here's a closer look at the major reasons to opt for Nanoknife cancer surgery over open surgery or other similar protocols.

It's less invasive.

Your Nanoknife surgeon will make a small incision and guide a special electrical probe towards the tumor. The probe will release electrical currents that kill the tumor tissue but leave the surrounding tissue unharmed. In contrast, open surgery requires a large incision that causes damage to the surrounding tissues, not just the cancer tissue. So, not only does your body have to focus on healing from the cancer, but it also has to heal the incisions. The relatively small incisions from Nanoknife surgery are much easier for your body to heal.

There's a lower risk of infection.

When you have open surgery and your surgeon has to slice through multiple layers of tissue to remove your tumor, there is a significant risk of infection—even when all sterilization protocols are followed to the letter. Since Nanoknife surgery does not require you to be "opened up," there is a much lower risk of infection. This is very important, since when you are already battling cancer, it's tough for your body to fight off an infection, too.

You don't have to worry about excessive bleeding.

Occasionally, patients will lose an excessive amount of blood on the operating table. This may cause the surgeon to have to terminate the surgery early, and it can lead to serious ongoing side effects like brain damage. Since Nanoknife surgery is performed through such a tiny incision—and because the path of the electrode is planned to avoid all large blood vessels—this won't be a concern during your procedure. You can rest assured that you won't bleed out or need a transfusion on the operating table.

You'll have a shorter hospital stay.

As a cancer patient, you've probably already spent more than your share of time in a hospital setting and want to be home as much as possible. Open surgery often requires patients to remain in the hospital for a few days afterwards. This observation period is important because of the high risk of infection and poor healing after such an invasive procedure. With Nanoknife surgery, you don't have to remain in the hospital for very long at all post-operation. Usually, you'll need to stay overnight—and then you can return home to continue your recovery.

Returning home sooner is a healthier option for several reasons. First, it reduces your exposure to the infectious pathogens that are unfortunately common in hospitals. Second, it allows you to recover in a more relaxed environment at home, which may speed your healing and is certainly food for your mental state.

There's less pain during recovery.

Many patients look forward to their cancer surgery with dread, knowing that they will be in pain afterwards. With Nanoknife surgery, however, there is a lot less pain to look forward to. The incisions are small, so they won't strain and cause you as much sharp pain as you bend and stretch. Your body will have far less internal tissue damage to heal, too, so you won't have nearly as much deep, internal pain to deal with, either.

If your doctor has recommended Nanoknife surgery for your cancer treatment, you can proceed with confidence that this is a smart choice for your overall health. For more information, contact local professionals like ATLAS ONCOLOGY.
