An Introduction to Some of the Stranger Things Stored in a Biorepository

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A biorepository is a place where all things organic that are either currently alive or were once alive but are being preserved for posterity are stored. It is the modern version of a mad scientist's lab, except that many things are either frozen (the living things) or preserved in a solution (no longer alive). Regardless of which biorepository you visit, you are bound to find some very strange things indeed. The following is just a sample.

Freeze Your Head 

You have heard of people freezing embryos and sperm, but freezing your head? That is exactly what a cryonics biorepository will do for you in Britain. The scientists there believe that your brain is the source of all bodily activity, and when you die, your brain just goes into a state of suspended animation. Their belief is that the brain, and hence your self, can be brought back to life by first cryonically freezing your head, and then thawing it out to zap you back to life once your head is reattached to a body or an inorganic/cyborg body.

Dinosaur Embryos

After salvaging the well-preserved eggs and baby dinosaurs from tar pits, scientists believe that they can restore dinosaurs to the world. Lizard tissue is unique in that it can regenerate, and both amphibians and lizards have been zapped back to life with electricity after dying. Scientists are storing the dinosaur DNA, embryos, and baby dinosaurs in a repository and looking for ways to recreate these monstrous creatures. Jurrassic Park, anyone?

Extinct Microorganisms and Diseases

Diseases that were believed to have been eradicated, as well as several now-extinct microorganisms, are frozen in government labs. If the government ever wanted to let these things loose on the earth again, they would only have to thaw out these diseases and microorganisms and infect a few hundred people. Thankfully, the diseases and microorganisms are kept under heavy lock and key within their cryo-tubes.

Unknown Life Forms Locked in Ice Cores

Scientists go to some of the strangest places to view life. Take the scientists that travel to the Arctic and Antarctic circles to get ice cores. Ice cores are these humongous long cylinders in ice that are pulled from the ice shelves in the polar caps. Scientists carefully preserve the ice cores, making sure that they do not melt, and ship them to labs where the cores can be sliced up into disks and studied for life forms. They discover a lot of strange new life forms this way, and they document when these life forms lived. The ice cores are stored in a biorepository for future study, in the event that the scientists want to compare their findings from various ice core samples.
