Counseling Could Be An Important Part Of Your Treatment For Chronic Pain

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Chronic pain can make it difficult to live a full and happy life. The misery and discomfort from pain cause stress and the stress can make your perception of pain worse. There are several medical treatments to help with chronic pain, and you may need to try a few to find one that's effective. Counseling is one therapy to consider no matter what type of medical treatment you pursue. Here's how counseling helps you manage chronic pain.

Your Feelings Are Heard And Validated

If your family is losing patience with your chronic pain, they might make you feel guilty about not participating in family events or having to stay in bed a lot of the time. This can add to your feelings of hopelessness, frustration, and depression. Talk therapy allows you to get all of your feelings out in the open so you can deal with them and have a better understanding of your family's attitude. Counseling can help you communicate with your family better so they understand your physical problems. A therapist might also offer ways you can improve relationships with your family members so the stress of not getting along doesn't make your pain worse.

You Learn New Coping Skills

There are two components to chronic pain. One is the physical pain you feel and the other is your emotional reaction to it. Over time, you may get in a habit of feeling helpless and sad, but a therapist can help you identify these feelings when they begin so you can stop them and direct your thoughts a new way. Over time, you may find you're happier and less stressful even if you still experience pain. Being happier and more relaxed might also help reduce pain or reduce your perception of how badly it affects you.

You'll Learn To Manage Pain

Even when you undergo medical treatments for your pain, you may still have flareups. A therapist can help you manage your pain episodes so you get some relief and maintain a positive attitude when possible. Some things you might learn are breathing exercises and visualization that help you relax. You might be encouraged to have regular massage sessions or take up yoga. Your therapist might even recommend meditation as a daily practice. Being able to relax when you're in pain takes some practice, but it could pay off by making your painful episodes easier to endure so you can continue working or playing with your family.

While you're seeing a psychologist or chronic pain service, you'll also want to see a doctor to find the right way to treat your pain whether it's medications, surgery, physical therapy, or other treatments. Even if your pain doesn't go away completely, with treatment and counseling, you can manage the pain so it is easier to live with.
