Tips For A Successful Recovery After Breast Augmentation

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Getting breast augmentation surgery is a personal choice that only a woman her doctor can make together. And one important aspect of surgery is the recovery time. How best to recover depends on your own body and health.

These tips can help with the time it takes to recover and may help reduce the recovery time. Even when following these tips, make sure to listen to your body and your physician during recovery as well.

Get Plenty Of Rest

Resting after any surgery is essential, so this tip is probably a no-brainer for you. However, getting the rest you need can be easier said than done.

To ensure adequate rest for recovery, set aside a room that is quiet and comfortable for you. Rest alone in this room a few days after surgery.

Arrange for Help From Friends Or Family

 Have someone stay with you to help ensure you don't have to lift a finger for a few days. While taking pain medication and resting, you'll need someone to assist with meals and managing medication.

You'll be sore and unable to do any heavy lifting, so arrange help for the first two to three days prior to surgery. If you have small children, arrange help for caring for them as well. You won't be able to lift them.

Understand Pain Management Options

It's not uncommon to experience mild to moderate pain following surgery, so do discuss pain management with your doctor prior to surgery.

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication for a few days, but many woman seem to do well with over-the-counter pain medication one day after the operation.

Make sure to fill any pain medication prescriptions or pick up our OTC pain medication prior to surgery, so you have them on-hand when you arrive home to recover.

Have After Surgery Foods On Hand

After surgery, you may feel nauseous or have very little appetite for a few days. Go to the store prior to surgery and buy soup, water, gelatin, or other foods that are easy on the digestive system, but that still help you keep your energy level up.

You also need liquids on hand to avoid dehydration. Drink plenty of water, even if you're queasy.

Following the doctor's orders and these tips can help you have a quicker, easier recovery. Any surgery has it's risks, and everyone's recovery time and experience is different, so make sure to keep in touch with your doctor and discuss any concerns you have during this time.
