Elderly Care Options Available to You

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One aspect of getting older is admitting that you need help taking care of yourself. The elderly in your life may not be ready to admit it yet, but if it's time to get them help, it's useful to know the elderly care options available to you and your elders. 

Independent Living

This is the option most elderly people would ideally choose. This requires them to be in good health so they can care for themselves. There are some precautions you can take to ensure their safety. 

Some precautions could include: 

Home Health Services

Home health services, or in-home care, are also a good option if your elders can care for themselves to an extent, but just need assistance with certain tasks. 

You can reach out to an agency near you to come into the home and provide services like:

This is a great elderly care option to discuss with your elders as it allows them to continue comfortably living in their own homes. 

Moving to a New Home

This is also a popular option when it comes to elderly care. Moving to a new home, typically something smaller or a one-story home, provides the elders in your life with the independent living they most likely still want while eliminating the risk of falling down the stairs. 

Moving in with You

This is most likely the cheapest option for elderly care. If you are able to accommodate your elders in your home, this would be a great way to keep an eye on them and make sure they are safe and healthy. There's also the bonus of spending quality time together!

Assisted Living

Assisted living communities are a way to offer your elders a small sense of independence. They will be receiving assistance with things like cleaning, meals, and medication reminders, but they won't have a full-time babysitter watching over their shoulders. 

Skilled Nursing Facility

A skilled nursing facility is where your elders would receive 24/7 care. They can also receive physical, speech, and occupational therapy if needed. You won't have to worry about their health and well-being because they will usually always be under the care of certified nurses. This is also a temporary option if your elders endure a medical crisis. 

There are so many options for elderly care out there that the elders in your life may not even know about. If you're starting to question their ability to safely care for themselves, don't be shy to discuss their options with them. They'll thank you later!

For more information about the different types of elderly care, contact a local company, such as Polish Helping Hands, to learn more.
