Steps to Expect During Physical Therapy

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Physical therapists are certified medical practitioners specializing in body mobility, restoring body function, pain management, and injury prevention using various techniques and exercises. These therapists handle numerous issues resulting from injuries, illness, and disability. As such, physical therapists are qualified to treat many issues ranging from neck cranks and ankle breaks to complex neurological issues. Patients suffering from arthritis, stroke, neuropathy, and fractures should seek physical therapy from certified medical practitioners. It is beneficial because it helps people avoid surgery, manage severe pain, and improve mobility. Physical therapists are also thorough during treatment to ensure patients heal fast and resume their daily activities.

Here are the steps patients should expect when seeking physical therapy:

Examination and Evaluation

There isn't a universal physical therapy treatment for all patients since each patient faces a unique problem. People experience body issues due to multiple factors, such as age, injuries from accidents, sports injuries, disability, and illnesses. Thus, physical therapists must first understand the patient's problem before treatment.

Patients must undergo a comprehensive physical exam and medical evaluation before treatment. The examination and evaluation allow doctors to check the patients' medical history, physical health, mobility, posture, and joint motion. It enables them to understand the patient's condition. The therapist also determines whether the patients have existing medical conditions addressed in the past. The physical exam and medical evaluation are always the first steps during physical therapy.

Condition Diagnosis

The physical examination and medical evaluation enable physical therapists to make informed medical decisions and the patient's correct diagnosis. The therapist provides the patient with a care plan illustrating the issue and the proposed treatment. The therapist also gives patients the expected recovery period with the long-term and short-term goals, which improves their chances of successful treatment. Thus, patients should consider physical therapy for correct diagnosis and a reliable treatment plan.

Individualized Treatment

Physical therapy enables patients to receive proper treatment after thorough evaluation and diagnosis. The therapist administers the correct treatment based on the patient's problem and the evaluation results. Doctors usually use various physical therapy treatments, including manual therapy, hot and cold therapy exercises, and laser therapy. As such, people should seek physical therapy for proper treatment from licensed physical therapists.

Condition Self-Management

Physical therapy is unique since it requires the patient's participation in the treatment process. Thus, therapists usually give patients self-management instructions to help them manage the problem as they recover. They also ensure that the patients stick to the treatment plan for better results. Patients receive recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the physical therapy treatment for fast recovery.
