Pros And Cons Of Choosing Bunion Surgery

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If your bunions are starting to bother you, then you'll want to visit a podiatrist or a podiatric surgeon. After analyzing your case, they will often give you a choice. You can undergo bunion surgery, or you can try some less invasive techniques like splints and injections. Neither approach is necessarily right or wrong. It really depends on your lifestyle, health, and preferences. Consider the pros and cons of bunion surgery to help you in reaching a decision.

Pro: It's a one-and-done procedure.

Occasionally people will need a touch-up or follow-up surgery after their initial bunion surgery. But in most cases, once you have the surgery, you're done. You don't have to spend time treating and managing your condition every day like you would with more conservative treatments. Once you're healed, you really don't need to think about your bunions much at all. Some patients really want this sense of completion and freedom from even worrying about bunions.

Con: There's a significant recovery period.

To undergo bunion surgery, you really do need to have some time set aside for recovery. You won't be able to walk for a few weeks, and after that, you'll need to spend more time in a walking boot. This is not always an option for those who can't take time away from work or family.

Pro: Bunion surgery will help prevent other compensatory injuries.

When you have bunions, you eventually start compensating for them by altering your gait. This may eventually cause some other injuries, such as strains in the ankles and hips. Conservative treatments for bunions may reduce this risk, but they won't prevent it entirely. If you have bunion surgery, on the other hand, you are far less likely to develop these compensatory injuries—at least once your bunion surgery is over.

Con: Bunion surgery requires anesthetics.

Most bunion surgeries are done under general anesthesia since the procedure is quite involved. Not all patients tolerate general anesthesia well. If you have certain heart conditions, for example, your doctor may feel undergoing anesthesia is too risky for you. When this is the case, conservative treatments for bunions tend to be a better choice.

If you're struggling with bunions, don't hesitate to make an appointment with your doctor. They can talk through the above pros and cons with you, and they can help you determine whether bunion surgery truly is your best choice. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it might not be.
