Who Is a Good Candidate for Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?

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Artificial disc replacement procedure is a relatively new surgical approach that provides a more advanced option for patients who are experiencing the pain and discomfort of disc degeneration, herniation, or other related spinal issues. Unlike traditional spinal fusion surgery, artificial disc replacement preserves the natural movement of the spine, allowing for better range of motion and reduced risk of adjacent segment degeneration. However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for this procedure. 

Patients with Disc Degeneration

Disc degeneration is a common condition that typically affects people approaching middle age. Over time, the discs in the spine break down and lose their cushioning properties. Symptoms include back pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. This condition is one of the most common reasons for artificial disc replacement surgery. This surgical solution is ideal for patients because it can reduce the pain and discomfort that comes with the condition due to preserving the natural movement of the spine.

Failed Conservative Treatments

Many patients considering artificial disc replacement surgery have already tried various non-surgical approaches to alleviate their pain, including pain medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. However, these approaches have not worked. In this case, artificial disc replacement surgery is an ideal option for people who have not had success with conservative treatments.

Moderate Disc Height

Patients with moderate disc height loss, rather than severe disc height loss, are better candidates for artificial disc replacement surgery. This surgery will only enable the patient to regain spinal height naturally as a result of the implant, so moderate disc height provides an optimal foundation to work on.

Those with Healthy Bones

Patients with osteoporosis or weakened bone density may not be suitable candidates for artificial disc replacement surgery. To ensure successful implantation, applicants must have healthy bones in the region of the surgical procedure.

The Right Age

Age is an essential factor when considering artificial disc replacement surgery. The ideal candidate should be of adult age but not elderly. Children, teens, and seniors are at higher risk of adjacent segment degeneration, which the procedure intends to limit.

Artificial disc replacement surgery is a new surgical approach that provides hope for people suffering from spinal issues. Patients with disc degeneration, limited range of motion, and patients who have undergone conservative treatment without success may benefit significantly from the procedure. For optimal results, patients should fit the profile for acceptable artificial disc replacement surgery. Meeting the criteria for this procedure increases the chance of successful disc replacement. 

For more information on artificial disc replacement surgery, contact a professional near you.
