Treatment Options for Anodontia

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Humans are born with two sets of teeth: primary teeth that descend starting around 6 months of age, and permanent teeth that erupt when the first set falls out. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong during fetal development and a person may be born with no teeth, a rare condition called anodontia. Here’s more information about this oral problem and available treatment options. What Is Anodontia? Anodontia is a genetic disorder, caused by an recessive gene that causes a person to be born without most or all their teeth.…

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Reducing Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms At Home

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About 3% of all women and 2% of men will develop carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have the condition, then you likely experience pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and wrist. If your symptoms worsen over time, then you may need to seek out surgical intervention with the assistance of a hand doctor. Before surgery is considered though, there are some things you can do at home to relieve your symptoms.…

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Spinal Compression Fracture And Osteoporosis: The Link Between These Common Conditions

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According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately 75 million people across Japan, Europe and the United States suffer from osteoporosis. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with this life-changing condition, you might be wondering about some of the potential problems that may arise as the disease progresses. One common injury that is often associated with osteoporosis is called a spinal compression fracture. Here is some valuable information about the link between osteoporosis and spinal compression fractures, how these fractures are diagnosed and potential treatment options:…

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Understanding Eating Disorders

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Eating disorders include anorexia and bulimia but should also encompass other patterns of dysfunctional relationships with food that are manifested in binge eating disorder (BED) and “bigorexia” (muscle dysmorphia). Improved understanding of different types of eating disorders and the underlying mental state can make it easier to empathize with a loved one. Defining Eating Disorders One of the biggest hurdles in promoting understanding of eating disorders is there are often stark definitions between what constitutes an eating disorder and what does not.…

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Tips For Treating Metabolic Syndrome

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Metabolic syndrome occurs when several medical conditions that elevate your risk for serious diseases, such as stroke and heart attack, are present at the same time. If you are diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, there are several strategies to help manage the condition and reduce your risks. Deal With Blood Pressure Elevated blood pressure is one of the criteria for metabolic syndrome. It is best to be proactive in managing your blood pressure when you notice the number beginning to creep up.…

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5 Features To Look For In A Home Vibration Body Machine

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Whole body vibration, which started as a physical training method in the Russian space program, is catching on throughout the US. People are finding that whole body vibration machines offer many benefits such as weight loss, increased bone density, muscle tone, increased balance and reduced stress levels. Because of this, many people are interested in purchasing home units. If you are looking to buy a home whole body vibration machine, here are some of the features you should look for.…

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Painful Joints? You May Have A Hypermobility Condition. Here's What You Need To Know

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If you frequently experience pain in your joints, you may have joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS) and/or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome- hypermobility type (EDS-HM). In fact, the most frequent cause of complaints in rheumatological clinics is musculo-skeletal pain due to joint hypermobility syndrome. Ehlers-danlos syndrome is often used interchangeably with joint hypermobility syndrome, but it’s important to determine which type you have so you can get the best treatment and pain management possible. Here’s what you need to know.…

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ADHD Counseling and Prescription Medications: 3 Tips to Keep Medications from Affecting Your Child's Diet

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ADHD is becoming a more and more prevalent diagnosis in the medical industry. Many children have difficulties concentrating, staying on task, following instructions, paying attention to details, and more due to the fact that they struggle with ADHD. If you believe your child has ADHD, it’s crucial that you take them to a psychiatrist that can provide not only counseling but also medications to manage the symptoms. Approximately 6.1% of American children are currently taking medication to treat ADHD.…

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Three Foods That Can Boost Your Child's Oral Health

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From the time that their baby teeth first arrive, your child should be visiting a pediatric dentist for regular checkups. These appointments allow the dentist to not only check the condition of your child’s teeth, but also reveal whether you can help the child’s oral health in any way, such as changing the approach to brushing or discouraging thumb sucking. You can greatly improve the success of these checkups by making smart dietary choices for your child.…

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