
Why Should You Choose Nanoknife Surgery Over Other Procedures?

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If you need to have a cancerous tumor removed, one procedure your doctor may recommend is Nanoknife surgery. This is a rather new procedure, and for that reason, some patients are hesitant to choose it over older, more established options. However, Nanoknife surgery has been carefully developed and offers a wide array of benefits that really do make it the best choice for many patients. Here’s a closer look at the major reasons to opt for Nanoknife cancer surgery over open surgery or other similar protocols.…

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6 Ways to Protect Your Eyesight

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Even if you start out in life with perfect vision, everyone experiences some amount of vision loss as they age. In fact, at any given time a reported 23.7 million adult Americans experience the effects of worsening vision. While some vision loss is inevitable with age, there are also specific things you can do to strengthen and protect your eyesight, helping to mitigate this. Here are six great ways to protect your eyesight:…

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5 Tips For Getting Your Family Through Cold And Flu Season

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Winter doesn’t have to be synonymous with sore throats, coughs, sneezing, and achy joints. While it often seems like the winter months bring one cold or flu after another, if you are proactive about prevention you can greatly increase your chances of keeping your family healthy all winter. By following these five tips, you will reduce your family’s overall risk of cold and flu and be able to enjoy a much healthier and more comfortable winter:…

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Common Eye Problems That You May Experience As You Enter Middle Age

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For most middle-aged people, noticeable changes in eyesight after 40 are a fact of life. As you age, you may begin to notice symptoms of deterioration in your vision, even if you have never had eye problems before reaching middle age. The causes of vision changes vary depending on your overall health, development of diseases, injuries, and other factors. As soon as you notice any changes in your vision, such as those described below, make an appointment with your optometrist as soon as possible.…

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3 Health Problems A Chiropractor Can Help You With That You Did Not Know About

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Going to a chiropractor is something many people do when they experience pain or stiffness in their backs or necks, but did you know that chiropractic care is also helpful for other types of health problems? Chiropractors are great for helping with pain, but here are three different health problems chiropractors can help you with that you might not be aware of. Allergies Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? If so, visiting a chiropractor might offer some natural relief to you.…

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4 Reasons To Contact Your Obstetrician Immediately While Pregnant

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Pregnancy is an exciting time for most women, but it can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. From weight gain and mood swings to muscle tension and fatigue, it is easy to see how so many pregnant women feel they are suffering. If you are pregnant, you most likely will visit your obstetrician every few weeks for regular exams, ensuring you are healthy and your unborn baby is developing properly. Of course, you may need to consult your obstetrician when experiencing abnormal pain and changes in your pregnant body.…

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5 Simple Solutions To Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Osteoporosis

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From aches and pains to arthritic inflammation in the joints and even broken bones, osteoporosis can affect you physically and emotionally. Not only does the condition cause pain and discomfort, but it can also reduce your ability to complete simple, ordinary tasks.  This silent disease affects men and women of all ages, but it occurs most commonly in white and Asian women who are past menopause due to a decreased bone mass that occurs as a person ages.…

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Why Toddlers Get So Many Colds And Ways To Treat Them

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The average toddler will experience around nine colds per year. While this may seem like a lot, it is quite normal for small children to have colds this often. Colds often consist of a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and congestion, but sometimes they can also include a fever. If you have a toddler who seems to keep catching colds, here are several things you should know. Why Toddlers Get Colds So Often…

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Answers To Some Important Questions About Transvaginal Ultrasounds

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If you have spoken to your gynecologist or general physician about a medical problem that involves your reproductive system, then you may need to go through some tests so a diagnosis can be made. These tests may include a transvaginal ultrasound. The procedure may not be particularly pleasant, but it is often needed. Before you schedule the procedure, make sure to understand some answers to some common questions that individuals have about the procedure.…

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A Very Serious Pain In The Butt: 6 Ways To Help Yourself With Hemorrhoids

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While pooping and farting may be the subjects of a lot of joking and giggling, hemorrhoids are no laughing matter. They can quite literally leave you writhing in pain and unable to sit long enough to drive or get through a day at the office. The following information should help you alleviate the pain and pressure in one or more ways: 1. Consider Your Nutritional Intake What goes in, must come out; thus, if you put more thought into what you’re eating, less effort may be required in terms of the necessary bowel movements that follow.…

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