3 Ways To Help Your Child Control Allergy-Induced Asthma Attacks At School

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For children who have allergies and asthma, school can be a frequent source of asthma attacks. Children are exposed to numerous allergens while they’re at school, and these allergens may not be commonly found in your home. For example, students who own pets can carry animal dander with them on their clothes when they arrive in the morning, causing asthma in children for whom animal dander is a trigger. Schools sometimes have poor indoor air quality, which can be another trigger for asthma—this is particularly common in the winter when all of the windows are shut and the school’s heating system is turned on for the first time in the school year.…

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Natural Relief For Chronic Back Pain

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Back pain can be excruciating to the extent of making even the most simple movements a struggle to perform. For instance, slightly bending down to tie you shoes can be too painful when you are dealing with a painful back. Although the pain can be difficult to cope with, it doesn’t always mean that it is severe to the point of a risky surgical procedure being needed. The reason why surgery on the back is considered risky is because it usually involves work being done to the spinal cord, which can possibly lead to paralysis.…

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Counseling Could Be An Important Part Of Your Treatment For Chronic Pain

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Chronic pain can make it difficult to live a full and happy life. The misery and discomfort from pain cause stress and the stress can make your perception of pain worse. There are several medical treatments to help with chronic pain, and you may need to try a few to find one that’s effective. Counseling is one therapy to consider no matter what type of medical treatment you pursue. Here’s how counseling helps you manage chronic pain.…

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What To Consider When Buying A Medical Practice

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If you’re a medical professional who has been considering going into business for yourself instead of working through a larger practice, you’re not alone. The advent of “concierge care” and the rise in popularity of alternative treatments (like acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage) have combined to create a business environment in which small medical practices can thrive. For many, starting from scratch can be an expensive prospect; purchasing a practice that’s already in operation may be cheaper, more efficient, and more effective.…

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Here's What You Should Know About Getting Your Loved One Cremated

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If you’ve never had to cremate a loved one before, you’re likely wondering how the process will unfold and what to expect overall. Here is the information you should know about getting your loved one cremated before you actually start the process: The Consultation Meeting Before having your loved one cremated, your chosen cremation services will probably want to schedule a consultation meeting with you to determine what your specific needs and preferences are; they will also want to make necessary plans and preparations so you’re both on the same page.…

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A 3D Mammogram Provides Your Doctor With Enhanced Images For Evaluating Breast Health

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If you’re at the age where you have regular mammograms, you may want to consider having a 3D mammogram the next time you have the test done. A 3D test provides your doctor with more images that can be used to examine the health of your breasts. Here’s how a 3D mammogram is done and the reasons you may want to have the test. The 3D Mammogram Procedure If you’ve had traditional mammograms in the past, then you probably won’t notice any difference in the way a 3D test is taken.…

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Are You A Man And Losing Your Hair? 2 Treatment Options Available To Get Your Hair Back Again

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If you are a man and losing your hair this can be hard to deal with. Fortunately, there are treatment options available to help you get your hair back again. Below are two of these treatments so you can decide what you would like to do. Men’s PRP Rejuvenation Therapy One option you have is Men’s PRP rejuvenation therapy. This is a scalp treatment that uses your blood cells to treat hair loss and to help you heal quicker after the therapy is finished.…

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Medical Cannabis Giving Hope To Epileptics

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Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by at least two seizures that are not caused by a known medical condition. During a seizure, electrical activity in the brain causes a variety of symptoms, including uncontrolled movements, muscle stiffness, rapid blinking, mental confusion, and even a loss of consciousness. Some people have epilepsy that is well-controlled with medications, but others have a form of the condition known as intractable epilepsy. People with intractable epilepsy cannot get their seizures under control, even if they have tried several treatments.…

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